Saturday, October 20, 2007

ECOMP 5106 Assignment 3.6 Technology Brochure

The premise of assignment 3.6 Technology Brochure was to encourage us to share any technology resource that we have used ourselves or with our students in class. We had the option of creating a brochure or a word document to showcase the features of our resource and then present and share it with our fellow Lesley classmates. This activity was very rewarding. I walked away from class with a an understanding of a sundry of technology resources.
I chose to present information about a new video editing software program, Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Premiere Photoshop Elements. One reason I chose this program was that my school currently has Movie Maker and we are having network issues with the program. Another reason is that I am planning a lesson in my class where the students will need to use a video editing program. The lesson revolves around the students learning how propaganda techniques are used in political advertising. They will design their own political TV commercial using a propaganda technique, video their commercial, import their commercial to the computer using Adobe Premiere Elements, arrange and edit the commercial, add a variety of effects, transitions, music, and add titles and credits. The Instructional Technology teacher at my school applied for a grant using my lesson as a basis for the use of Adobe Premiere Elements. I was able to share the good news with the other teachers in my class, who are also teaching in my county, that we have purchased 5000 rights and teachers will soon be able to apply for the program to be installed in their school.
I felt the technology brochure assignment was very worthwhile since I was able to utilize this list of several good technology resources throughout my teaching career. Two of the technology resources which will benefit me and my students this year are Discovery Education Streaming and Citation Machine.

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