Saturday, October 13, 2007

ECOMP 5106 Assignment 1.2 Thoughts on Technology Integration

Even though I feel technology is invaluable when it comes to improving student learning, I do not see how it is feasible to implement it into every unit. Most disciplines have strict time restraints to finish a certain amount of topics before state testing. Students enjoy using the computers and various computer programs and are motivated to learn; however, the technology skill level of each student varies and it is rare to plan a lesson to be completed by a certain due date and meet the deadline. Therefore, allowing extra time for technology cab is a problem when a curriculum has to be covered by the end of the year or before the state tests are given.
I feel that teachers should choose to use technology only when it will require the student to think outside the box. Still, I don’t agree with some teachers who limit the use of technology lessons to their advanced students only. I feel that all students can be taught how to use their critical thinking and problem solving skills and technology implemented correctly can do that. Implementing technology more effectively in our classrooms can be a step toward closing the gap between the technology skill level of our graduating students and those of other nations. Even though we have several advanced students, our students compared on a national level are lagging behind when it comes to technology. I find it very interesting that we have so many foreign students who attend our universities, graduate as top students, take their learned skills back to their native countries and have prosperous careers. I have to attribute this to the fact that our universities are preparing students to be critical thinkers and they must be providing the necessary technology skills since so many foreign students who attended our universities are the ones inventing and growing more with technology.
One thing I would like to see changed at my school when it comes to integrating technology into the classroom is the amount of time spent on training and the quality of the training. I feel that in order to ask teachers to implement technology, it is all about how comfortable a teacher feels in using it. I have been there, but I was lucky to have had a technology specialist available when I planned my first technology lessons. I can remember my apprehension about using a new piece of technology and to some extent I still feel that sense of uneasiness every time a new computer program is introduced. I have expressed the importance of teacher training and comfort level to my principal and she was in agreement with me. Time for training is also a problem. Time to plan with other teachers and time to prepare new technology lessons is essential. I am anxious to begin the technology training this year at my school with the arrival of new Smart Boards and I can only hope that everyone else will have the same enthusiasm I have toward them.

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